The first day of preschool is a time of excitement and uncertainty for many families. It is common for children (and parents) to experience feelings of anxiety in the lead up to starting care.

It takes time for them to adjust to their routine, build relationships, and understand that their new preschool is a fun, safe, and happy place.

Some children take to their new preschool environments with ease; whereas others may initially suffer from separation anxiety. This is completely normal, and will pass in time.

Either way, some tips below will make your child’s first day at preschool(and the days after) a more manageable experience for your little one, and for you.

★ Talk to them about the centre

★ Talk to them about the new friends they will make

★ Talk about new exciting toys they will play with

★ Keep the discussions about preschool positive

★ Come in for an orientation visit

★ Provide a comfort object from home